3 Mar

Las Vegas Toothache Relief

If you’ve ever had a toothache you know how painful it can be. Whether the pain is in your back molars, your wisdom teeth, or even one of your front teeth, a toothache hurts. As you probably realize, no matter where a toothache is in your mouth, it is a sign that something is wrong. And that means you should see one of the doctors at Moore Family Dentistry for Las Vegas toothache relief.

Is there anything you can do at home when a toothache hits? You could try to rinse your mouth with warm salt water to see if it helps relieve the pain. Sometimes the combination of the salt and warm water will temporarily ease the pain until you can get Las Vegas toothache relief from Dr. Moore at Moore Family Dentistry. Over the counter pain medication is something else you can try. You might also want to try a cold compress on the side of your face to see if that eases the pain until you can get to our local dental office.

Preventing tooth pain is always the best solution, and that includes brushing and flossing regularly every day. Regular dental checkups at Moore Family Dentistry is also highly recommended. When you visit our dental office every six months, we’ll be able to take x-rays to see what’s going on both inside your teeth and under your gums. If we spot a problem starting, we can take care of it when it’s small so you don’t end up with a toothache that could have been prevented.

Preventive dentistry, both at home and in our local dental office, is the best way to take care of your teeth every day of the year. But if you still end up with a toothache at some point and need Las Vegas toothache relief, call Moore Family Dentistry at 702-791-1010 in Las Vegas or 702-254-6700 in Summerlin for an appointment.


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